Saturday, February 12, 2011

Qualitative Research Methods PDF

Rating: (1 reviews) Author: Pranee Liamputtong ISBN : 9780195517446 New from $1,131.00 Format: PDF
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Qualitative Research Methods is a practical guide to conducting qualitative research. It explains methodological issues and presents a step-by-step guide to qualitative research techniques. The book contains general chapters on sampling and rigour, the use of theory, data analysis, and writing research proposals and reports. It reviews established methods such as interviewing, focus groups and ethnography, as well as more innovative and complex methods such as narrative method, memory-work and participatory-action research. Each technique is clearly illustrated by detailed Australian examples and case studies that ground the research in a practical setting. This new edition contains the latest information on how to present qualitative research. It incorporates expanded material on the legal repercussions of research, as well as more information on the different types of interviews. All new sections include how to conduct research among the vulnerable and case studies that clearly illustrate how to analyse qualitative data. This new edition has been revised to include examples from outside the health sciences, making it also suitable for social science students. The book provides a comprehensive Australian guide for students undertaking qualitative research.
Direct download links available for PRETITLE Qualitative Research Methods [Paperback] POSTTITLE
  • Paperback: 424 pages
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA; 2 edition (April 14, 2005)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 019551744X
  • ISBN-13: 978-0195517446
  • Product Dimensions: 8.9 x 6 x 1 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds

Qualitative Research Methods PDF

Too many uses of abstract generalised terms.

Attention authors - especially academics: while it's true that generalisations 'cover all bases', if you use ones that are too broad, they end up saying NOTHING.
They become empty vessels with NO INFORMATION in them: like some hot air balloon become so broad and expansive there's more air than balloon!


The topic of qualitative research - especially data analysis - is already quite abstract, because it is about data, concepts, the relationships between concepts and so on.

When writing about such an abstract topic, this author used far too many generalisations and abstractions without attaching EXAMPLES that ensured the information MADE SENSE - actually CONVEYED INFORMATION (the purpose of a textbook).

Here's just one MILD example of thousands. The author is describing suggested steps to take when applying the method of 'Narrative Analysis' to data. After writing earlier about finding themes in the data, she says:

"4. Make some notes about the thematic ideas you have developed from the transcript. Then use them to indicate where the participant provides accounts for his or her actions and to exhibit the general structure of the story. Also look for any interruptions/discontinuities that may contradict the themes."

So WTF does this mean exactly?

Surely these concepts are abstract enough without describing them with such flocculesence as this!

Authors like this one - a mild perpetrator, it has to be said - make students' lives hell. Worse, they deprive society of knowledge. Every academic these days should be made to write a yearly paper on Orwell's essay Politics and the English Language.

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