Saturday, February 12, 2011

Who Can Ride the Dragon?: An Exploration of the Cultural Roots of Traditional Chinese Medicine PDF

Rating: (9 reviews) Author: Zhang Yu Huan ISBN : 9780912111599 New from $24.95 Format: PDF
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"The authors have performed a great service by clearing a path into the formidable dense thicket that constitutes Chinese medicine in the West. This text provides...a window of inestimable value into a world of meaning that satisfies a yearning on the part of many, who hunger to know the substrate from which Chinese Medicine emerges", Harriet Beinfield - Author, "Between Heaven and Earth", "A Guide to Chinese Medicine". An excellent book for those studying Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), this new text provides an insight into the depth and subtlety of this interesting subject. It delves into the linguistic and cultural wellsprings of China's venerable past, describing all aspects of TCM and making it applicable to Western approaches. It teaches the reader about the characteristics, expressions and concepts of TCM, allowing them to integrate its theories and practice into their own personal approach.
Direct download links available for PRETITLE Who Can Ride the Dragon?: An Exploration of the Cultural Roots of Traditional Chinese Medicine [Paperback] POSTTITLE
  • Paperback: 240 pages
  • Publisher: Paradigm Publications; 1 edition (September 1999)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0912111593
  • ISBN-13: 978-0912111599
  • Product Dimensions: 10 x 7.1 x 0.6 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds

Who Can Ride the Dragon?: An Exploration of the Cultural Roots of Traditional Chinese Medicine PDF

The book is extremely courteous in guiding the reader through the basic structure of that enormously complicated thing called Chinese culture. The first part will be particularly helpful to those who do not know the Chinese language in the way it shapes and articulate thought for those who think in Chinese. The entire cosmology upon which medical theories and perceptions have been formulated is laid out as a reflection of the mirror (language) that bears the warpature to best suit the Chinese language. The first part ably shows how the fact that Chinese does not have temporal tenses in its grammar affects the shaping of premises with regard to the body and medicine in Chinese worldview. Food and Chinese cooking are also introduced as important vehicles that have carried Chinese medicine through its path of evolution. The latter part of the book deals with more theoretical concepts, including philosophy, and how they gave rise to and founded certain clinical practices. The book is an organic introduction to a science that is founded and corrected on the lived experience of thousands of cases observed over two thousand years.
By Saul Boulschett
If you're like me, you are inherently attracted to Chinese medicine and suspect that it runs a lot deeper than many books (or current tv coverage, etc) let on. They don't seem to have the time to get into the real meat and science of the MEANING behind traditional Chinese medicine. ...Based upon the recommendation of a friend, I read this book and suddenly it all clicked. I feel like I have a MUCH bigger basis for true understanding, and that I can go forward in terms of both further reading AND application in my own practice. I not only "get" this stuff, but I have a newfound respect for where it comes from. I suspect that to be successful in the practice of Chinese medicine, one should really grasp and honor the meaning in it -- which all too many acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine practitioners seem to ignore. I think they're missing the boat. ...A great book; and one that has truly effected my thinking, in terms of a greater good.
By A Customer

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