Saturday, February 12, 2011

Five Minds for the Future PDF

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We live in a time of vast changes that include accelerating globalization, mounting quantities of information, the growing hegemony of science and technology, and the clash of civilizations. Those changes call for new ways of learning and thinking in school, business, and the professions. Listen as psychologist Howard Gardner defines the cognitive abilities that will command a premium in the years ahead:

  • The disciplinary mind: mastery of major schools of thought
  • The synthesizing mind: ability to integrate ideas
  • The creating mind: capacity to uncover and clarify problems, questions, and phenomena
  • The respectful mind: awareness of and appreciation for differences among human beings
  • The ethical mind: fulfillment of one's responsibilities

Armed with these well-honed capacities, a person will be equipped to deal with what is expected in the future, as well as what cannot be anticipated. Without these "minds", individuals will be at the mercy of forces they can't understand: overwhelmed by information, unable to succeed in the workplace, and incapable of making judicious decisions about personal and professional matters.

Renowned worldwide for his theory of multiple intelligences, Gardner takes that thinking to the next level. Concise and engaging, this audiobook will inspire lifelong learning and provide valuable insights for those charged with training and developing organizational leaders - today and tomorrow.
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  • Audible Audio Edition
  • Listening Length: 6 hours and 14 minutes
  • Program Type: Audiobook
  • Version: Unabridged
  • Publisher: Gildan Media Corp
  • Release Date: August 28, 2007
  • Whispersync for Voice: Ready
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B000XB7ARW

Five Minds for the Future PDF

I have read and reviewed all of Howard Gardner's previous books and consider this, his latest, to be the most valuable thus far. In it, he identifies and explains five separate but related combinations of cognitive abilities that are needed to "thrive in the world during eras to come...[cognitive abilities] which we should develop in the future." Gardner refers to them as "minds" but they are really mindsets. Mastery of each enables a person:

1. to know how to work steadily over time to improve skill and understanding;

2. to take information from disparate sources and make sense of it by understanding and evaluating that information objectively;

3. by building on discipline and synthesis, to break new ground;

4. by "recognizing that nowadays one can no longer remain within one's shell or one's home territory," to note and welcome differences between human individuals and between human groups so as to understand them and work effectively with them;

5. and finally, "proceeding on a level more abstract than the respectful mind," to reflect on the nature of one's work and the needs and desires of the society in which one lives.

Gardner notes that the five "minds" he examines in this book are different from the eight or nine human intelligences that he examines in his earlier works. "Rather than being distinct computational capabilities, they are better thought of as broad uses of the mind that we can cultivate at school, in professions, or at the workplace."

The "future" to which the title of this book refers is the future that awaits each of us. That is, Gardner is not a futurist in the sense that others such as Ossip K. Flechteim, Bertrand de Jouvenel, Dennis Gabor, Alvin Toffler, and Peter Schwartz are.
In case you haven't noticed, the world is going through a seismic change. No one can say what the human experiment will look like on the other side, but I think we may reasonably conclude this --- the badly educated will suffer.

And by "suffer" I don't mean the old chart that shows you how much more a college graduate earns over the course of a lifetime than a high school grad.

In this new world, a college graduate who lacks what Howard Gardner calls "multiple intelligences" will be in the same boat as the high school dropout collecting an hourly wage at Jiffy Lube.

So a book that outlines the kind of smarts the future will require --- and reward --- automatically merits our attention. And we read more closely when the author is Howard Gardner, who has made a career of this subject at Harvard and collected a MacArthur Prize Fellowship along the way.

Who needs the "five minds" that Gardner discusses in this brief (167 pages), jargon-free book?

Well, you, for starters, because knowledge is expanding exponentially each year and if you are not actively engaged in some kind of lifelong learning, you are condemning yourself to the glue factory.

And, of course, your kids, because as sure as "the children are our future," they must learn to survive in a world far more demanding than ours.

So without conscious, continuing, multi-disciplinary education, it looks grim for you and your kids.

What "minds" does Gardner say you need to master?

1)The disciplined mind. Learn at least one discipline --- a ten-year process --- or you're "destined to march to someone else's tune."

2)The synthesizing mind.

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